Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pandora's Gift And Other Tales

  1. blanket - bedding that keeps a person warm in bed
  2. bucket - pail
  3. burst - the act of exploding
  4. campfire - a small outdoor fire for warmth or cooking
  5. canopy - the transparent of aircraft cockpit
  6. circumstances - your overall circumstances of condition in life
  7. clapped - spatted
  8. clutched take hold of
  9. commotion - disruption
  10. cottage - a small hose with a single story
  11. cruelty - feelings of extreme heartless
  12. curiosity - a state in which you want to learn more about something
  13. darting - move along rapidly and ligthly
  14. decorated - delectation
  15. dowry - money of property brought by a woman to her husband
  16. ember- coal
  17. endear- make attractive or lovable
  18. flaunt - the act of displaying somethings ostebtatiously
  19. granted - ackonowledged as a supposition
  20. harm - damage

"And that is why there is wisdom throughout the world."

The book "Pandora's Gift And Other Tales" is written by Cassandra Teh. This book is told about people who lives thousands of years ago used to make up stories to try to explain such things. The tales survived thousands of years as each generation told them to their children. Pandora's Gift And Other Tales are just some of these traditional tales that were invented to try to explain some of the wonders of the world. After read this book, it let me feel the amazing of the world.

Let's have some music~ :                   =DD

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Logan House


  1. absolutely - certainly
  2. apologetically - ruefully
  3. audience - public
  4. awkward - uncomfortable
  5. balaclava - headgear
  6. bounced - rebound
  7. creepy - scary
  8. demonstrate - show
  9. deserve - merit
  10. detectives - someone whose job is to discover what has happened
  11. evidence - information
  12. fiddled - moving it or touching it
  13. fortunes - fate
  14. gruff - harsh
  15. guilty - worried
  16. inherited - acquire
  17. insisted - demanded
  18. jealous - possessive
  19. muffled - faint
  20. pruning - trimming
"There's more to life than what the eyes can see"

This book is written by Yokeesh Kumar. This book is told about The Curz family has a tradition that everyone celebrates their thirteenth birthday at Logan House. Twins, Charles and Veronica, are really looking forward to their thirteenth birthday, until their dad says they can't have a party at Logan House. But he won't say why. Therefore, the twins began to solve the mystery and change their dad's mind before the big event. Then, the reason is the twins has been threat by a robber. However, the robber has caught by police at the end.